Lets Make our
Earth Green and
Clean 🌎

Millions of caring people could be making a difference for our environment, yet simply don’t know how. We are dedicated to helping every one of these people find their role in the climate solution.

Protect Our Earth Against Climate Change

The climate crisis is escalating, and if we do not significantly reduce emissions within the next ten years, we risk raising the Earth's temperature. Climate change is already bringing more extreme weather conditions and billions in costs.

  • Answer a few quick questions and select the meaningful climate projects that suit your interests.
  • Complete the steps on your actions and see your progress on your dashboard!
  • You’ve changed Earth. We then show you great communities and ways use your voice over our critical next ten years.

We'll help you find actions and communities suited to you.

Together We Can Restore Our Planet

We only have ten years to avoid catastrophic climate change. There is so much we can do. Don't just watch disaster unfold; become a participant in resolving our planet's greatest challenge.

  • We have 80,000 hours in our careers. You can orient your everyday work in your company or change roles to work in the fast growing sustainability field.
  • We can each do so much for the planet if we take the time to. See if any of these suit your schedule and interests.
  • There are the few climate actions that will help society reach the 2050 goals. Each of the guides reduces more than a ton of CO2 each year.

With our individual choices that we make everyday we have the power to send signals. Signals that “move money, change minds, inspire others, and drive more good policy discussions”

Frequently asked questions

The climate crisis is worsening and if we don’t significantly reduce emissions within the next ten years we risk increasing Earth’s temperature above the 1.5 degrees tipping point which risks catastrophic runaway climate change.

Climate change is already bringing more extreme weather conditions and billions in costs but runaway climate change risks our very survival.

Join us and get started on your climate journey today

Get Started